Wu~~~~ So sad. Sadden. I lost my ipod... It's gone. FOREVER.. ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! What's more? I LOST my wallet!!!!!! hahahahahahahaha............. HAIZ............ So sad, so sad.
9:33 AM
Yours Truly
OMG~!!! i am not woking now.. omg.. feel so old and a little useless seriously. i aM of leGal Age, aWwww, i M 25 tHis yEar. JunE 21sT iS mY bIrthDay. i aM eAsy gOing and fRienDly. ?
oH wELL, yA... =D
Stay hAPpy EveRYoNE~!!!
tHiS iS mY MSN aDdreSs anD ya,
FacEbOOk sHoulD be ThiS emaiL =P
- Strawberry
- Mango
- Papaya
- Vanilla ice-cream
- Strawberry Sweetheart
- Chrysanthemum White Tea
- Play Mahjong
- Go crazy
- Gossip
- Comedy
- Play in the rain
- Money
- Red Roses
- Adidas
- Gucci
- Medicine
- Lady Finger
- Soggy McDonald's Food
- Celery
- Cucumber
- Ginger Tea
- Jasmine Gree Tea
- Thunder and Lightning
- Long Korean SAD Series
- Horror Movies
- Vulgarities
- People who don't know what shame is