Friday, June 29, 2007,

cHocoLate~!!! i wan chocolate...!!!

i got cravings for chocolate for like days already... awwww... who wanna buy me chocolate?

i wanna eat chocolate... eeyer. ut eat liao very heaty lei.

how wor like that? nvm... but i don wanna buy. jus don feel like buying... later fat how.

eeyer... donno lah... ppl buy i eat, wont feel the guilt. i buy and i eat, i feel so guilty. hahaha...

upload a pic... taken at toa payoh lor 1 mac donalds, my birthday

okai.... take care. muackz..

1:51 AM

Tuesday, June 26, 2007,

wHy boTher sAying HAPY BIRTHDAY~?

iT isnT sinceRe enOugh afTer lookinG at thAt poSt u MaDe~ i thot wE can Be likE pAst... iT wAs juS a pAssing commEnt i mAde. doeS THAt reAlly bother U thAt muCh~? muSt u taKe iT so SeriouLy~? u mAde LOTS oF commeNts bOUt a ThousAnd thiNgs, dId i sAy a Word? biTching bOUt you~? DIDN'T~! i cAnt evEn gEt hoLd oF mY oWn liFe~! wHy do i bOther boUt you~?

it's realLY sAd tO knOw You hOld thiS mAny wEEks Ago tHIng wiTh yOu. iT's alSo vEry sAd foR yoU tO asK mE to SenD soNg tO yOU whEre i haVe to SeND througHt oThers bEfOre iT caN bE seNd tO yoU. it'S evEn saD whEn sOmeoNe teLL mE thAt yOU arE onliNe anD i doEsn'T sEe yOu apPearinG oNlinE oN mY mSN cOnTact.

yEs i Know, i Am nO whEre thEre. i aM not prEtty whEn i drAg. i am faR fRom professiOnal. i lOok liKe an idioT bimBotiC fiGurE, jUmpinG anD shOutinG, enTertAininG peoPle, mAKing a FooL out oF mYselF, yEs i Am...

YouR kOr~! sms sO manY peoplE, tElling thAT, not To buLLy you, nOt to biTch bOUt you. thEn noW, whaT's wiTh all thE postinG you maDe, sAYing don biTch bEhinD mE, whAT hAd u doNE bOut thoSe poSt, hAd U nOt bItCh wiTh tAt poSt~?

look back on what u said...

iF u thiNk thiS post iS bitChing bouT u, it's Not, caUse somEthiNgs is Not appropRIATe to sAy iT ouT, fAce To fACe. tHis poSt is whAt i Am fEeling now. aLL i wAnna saY iS, iT wAs jUS a pAssing CommEnt i mADE. "even if you drag, you wont be prettier than me." that wAs what i said.

takE cAre...

2:13 AM

Saturday, June 23, 2007,

wAh~!!! tired day~! 3 shows.... orchard-YI pub, WHYNOT, orchard-excielsor hotel.

ALL NV TAKE PIC~! have but not my cam take de, so cant upload.. hmmm... okai lah. nvm.

oh~ today also saw ALAN... BOTAK WOR~! hey alan~! i write ur name big big le wor... heehee...

nothing much lei today... rushing and rushin g from place to place loh...

lets talk about wednesday... well, when dinner with someone special i guess... orchard hotel, ya, bufet... then celebrated the first hour of birthday with that person. so ya.... happy.....

then birthday that day. 21st june. kenneth, brian, benji and yijian came my house, we played mahjiong... yeah. got win... then stay at home, cut cake. then at night, 12.30am ba, when to eat mac with xtz and elton. then ya.

friday, rush show. yup... oh.. at whynot, they sing birthday some for me loh... so touch... thank you all... (^_^). okai okai okai okai~! muackx. take caRE......

5:52 AM

Wednesday, June 20, 2007,

bloG bout wat~? erm... ya. thursday de show. okai lah. Pics enough.

Cao Meng~! hahah...

welCome u To DraG~

ah long solo~

michael solo~!

cooking show~!

break 20 mins. my solo~ mAria~! ave mAriA...

ivy solo~ ai shang yi ge bu hui jia de ren, hah~ hah~ hah~ hah~

ah long solo~!

kelvin drag~~~

me and fiona...

lionel and me...

donno who, jeremy sis, jeremy and me

quan, me and cy mei...

donno who again, lionel, kelvin, calli, cy and me...

me and jason...

oh.... got a lot photo... but ya... nv post... too many le.... k lah.. take care... muackz...

4:40 AM

Monday, June 18, 2007,

It 's like one week already ya... suddenly i am tired. let me get some sleep first...

8:14 PM

Monday, June 11, 2007,


what the fuck de loh... type so long de post hor... jus because of a missing letter or wat html thing... the whole thing corked up and say cannot publish and nv save my post... the below de thing bluff ppl de loh...

hmmm... okai, again. friday night, as usual go whynot. then went home. at home, 6am chat with erZi till 7am. sleep. woke up at 10.30pm. ate instand noodle. drink a cup of milk, omg, gastric pain. hmmm... pain until i went over to maxwel market... then ya, all there le, erzi, kenneth, deyuan, brian, daniel. mingang, yijian, so on so on....

then when to whynot. 4.30am, kenneth, deyuan, brian, daniel, yijian and me went to erZi house. then is like 6am liao~ so i send yijian to take bus. went back there, all bathe liao, except me... >.<>
nvm lah... haha., so me and erzi went into the room to slp, the 2 couple slp living room. ahhaah... then ya, 11am, woke up, wake deyuan up, then accompany him to bus stop take bus... should be kenneth job right~? huh, why become me huh~? kns, u idiot~!

haha.. okai. so i bought some things up to erzI house to eat then slp. 4pm woke up. prepare, then go meet michelle then celebrate her birthday... then after that, i went to meet jeff, mingyang and ervin. then we went st james, michelle they all also went st james. so ya, we met there again... so many familiar faces there loh...

this a pic taken in st james.

so ya.. ahahha... okai... then 4am, left st james. went home. then slp. then today 4pm woke up. then ya, went to meet felicia and wency for dinner. then ya... went to see see llook ook, hahaha.. ya, then came back liao... k lah... say till here...
muacZk, takE cARe~!!!!!

10:46 PM

Friday, June 08, 2007,

weDnesday~! woKe uP at 9am. Went tO sIngAporE polyTeChNic wIth XuanMinG tO gEt ouR CeRtiFicate. I mEt Him aT 11am aT thE MrT sTatIon aNd WheN tO gET OuR CerT... It wAs a fasT onE, sO wE aTe oUr lunCh. ThEN arouNd 12pm, hE wEnt HomE, aNd i wAitEd fOr DeYUaN to End HiS pApER aT 2pm.

i miSsed cAll bAobEi edGAr AnD YA, hE caLL bacK, anD wE cHAtteD tiLL 2pm, And We deciDed tO mEEt up aT MaRIna SquAre WitH DeAr mELissa. I mEt DeYuaN anD wE wenT to cHuanWei's OffiCe anD haD a DrInk wIth HIm aNd ya sEt oFF tO M.S.

i Call KennETh tO go to M.S toO.sO ya... mEt deAR mElisSa anD baoBEi eDgaR aT ciTy haLL mRt staTion. And wENT tO M.S. mEt kEnNeth. aTe a $5.20 oF chIneSe mIxeD ricE, $3.10 menG HaR gAo-(FrIeD pRaWn dUmbLing). VERY EXPENSIVE YOU KNOW... i cAn eAt a bEttER meAL wIth $8.30 Loh... hAizZ, aLso iN mY stOmaCh aLreAdY~! >.<

kennEth AnD dEyuAn lEft foR aNg Mo KiO fIrst... mE deAr anD bAobEi wAlK aRouNd M.S. thEn WEnt tO anG mO kiO tO fiNd thEm, aFtER awhiLe, dEar anD bAobEIwENt hOme, kennEth's dAddy caMe And FetcH hiM hOmE, mE anD deyUAn tOok bUs hOme. tHAt wAs LikE 8pm. yUp... sLAcK aWhiLE, uSe cOmp, WoAh, 10.45pm... rUsh rusH, toOk cAb To PLAY, noRris, jaaY, heLda aND lArRy haVe shOw therE.

wEnt In~ OH MY GOD~! peOplE iS leSS unTil~~~~~~! hahaha.. it's LiKE onlY tHose FamIliAR facEs lIKe, miChaEl, tEreNce, AlSton, AlaN, DeREk... so Ya... pErFoRmanCe StArted, EndeD, aNd weNT bAcK tO wHYnOT. tHeN wEnt tO kelViN hoUse wIth Alan And derEk tO plaY mAhjIong. plAy plAy PLAy...... 7.30am, thuRsDAy..... powER.. thEn wEnt fOr bReakFast. 9am, i Set oFF tO laRRy HousE tO hElP him WitH soMe TaOist ThinGy... thEn sUddEnly hE tOlD mE, NeeD to do sHow. i Was likE, hUH~ oh mY gOD, i NeVer slEEp leh... buT wEll.. also do le.

so wEnt HomE, 2.30pm, FioNa, BriAn anD bEnjI cAme mY hoUSe to plaY MaHjiong, ErZi And MiNgyAng wAnted To cOme alsO, But WeLL, nO sIghT of thEm. tHEn ya, 6.30pm, tHEy wenT oFf, whOle faMilY Went tO mAriNa mAndarIn to haVE dInner... ThE bUfFEt spREaD iS liKE... OH MY GOD~~~~ sO mucH fOoD. oNe NiGht cAnt fiNisH...

yUp, 8pm, weNt tO whYnot, bLow haIr, mAke-uP, peRfoRm. yeAh, fiNiSh, TheN WEnt fOr SuPper... oh mY oH my, i wAs sO tiRed, i ActuAlly fElL aSlEep wHIlE eAtIng... haha... oKai. weNt hOmE. SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP~!

woKE uP toDay... WEnT luNch wiTh XTZ, tHEn wNEt BowlIng... tHeN wENt hoMe. anD sLAck anD blOggEd.. hahahaa.. aNd lAter, gOIng TO whYnot.. yea.. Okai lAh... sEe ya latEr, bYE...

mUAckz~! take cAre (^_^)

7:21 PM

Tuesday, June 05, 2007,

suddenly~ i feel so different. WO SHI BU SHI ZHONG XIE LE~?

ahahah... i donno wor.. maybe is cause by the little sleep i have these few days`? maybe ba.

i find myself not myself. really loh. my tamper was better last time. now is like not very good le loh... cannot... must change back to the last time me... haha... awww.... jia you wor. i will be back.

muackz. take care.

10:19 AM

Friday, June 01, 2007,

Not up there, and not down there, hanging in mid air and let me free fall from there. argh~ hate this kind of feeling.

wednesday... wasnt feeling good. show sucks i think. was tired and wear out. mix songs, burn songs, do so many things, bring things.. argh~ tired

donno wat to type. well.. ahahaha~ think i should jus remain things at it is now... its okai,

k... bye. muAckZ.

2:10 AM