Tuesday, August 29, 2006,

hMmmm... hOpinG fOr iT to rAiN, but, ya... nO raIn. TherE wAs Thunder, theRe was lIghtning, but it dIdn't rAin... hahA...
wAs qUIte bOrinG today. nOthinG muCh diD hAppEned... sLept till 3pm, hahah, pig~~!!! nO breakfast, no lUncH, dinNer??? nO idea~~!?. grOwIng mORe aND mOre SkiNNy eaCh dAy. haAH...
As PeopLe coMplaint, mY poSting wIll stOP using chInesE cHAraCter. yuP... bEttER tO bE thIS waY. More PoEplE cAn reAd. (^_^).
ThaT sTupID bAidu.COm iS reAlly veRy stUpid. i DOWnloaded hUndredS of Songs theRE, And ya gueSS wat? haHA, i cAN't seArCh for sONgs toDay...~~!! wHat ACtUaLLY HaPPENED? hhaha...
okai... sO borinG~ hOpe thAt thosE pEople tHAT ReAd thIs poSt, cAn conTAct ME faSt...

4:51 PM

Tuesday, August 01, 2006,

hey ya~~~ tHe lAke hoUse is so nice. so touching. Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeve~ Woah~! haha... tHAt was a saturday, with aili, fish and ben when i went to watch. and i am going to watch it with fel on wednesday again, haha... and hor, also donno why, this year, till now, i watched all movie, i watched it for two times. haha...

its i very nice show. a bit predictable lah. but is a good show.

1:00 AM