Thursday, July 27, 2006,
After so many years of life without much emotions, i felt a warm trill across my body today when i was working at 7-Eleven. It came by when a little girl said thank you to me.
It is only a Thank You, and yet i felt much more then i usually do. A sincerce thank you really can make someone fell more important and let them fell that their presence is needed.
today was the most relaxing day from the day i started working and studying at the same time. sitting on the bus, looking outside the window, breeze from the outside wind blowing, a sigh of contented and satisfaction. That is so relaxing.~~~~
How i wish there is no stress and everyday is like that...
12:18 AM
Monday, July 10, 2006,
It's getting from bad to worst. Business Developement is what i am talk ing about. It's getting out of hand. I just cannot see light in the project. It shouldn't be in that way. Client based project should be much more easier than own businesses isn't it? Everyone is really stressing up. Things are not the way I/we expected.
I don't want because of Business Development and everything come crashing down on me or use, us. I think, everything keep it simple, short and sweet and will be just right. Don't get so stressed up. It's only phase one. I am also stressed up because everyone stressed up. I think that i did not contribute much in this project and ya, i deserve the complaining and scolding. I will still do my part stated, but did you use it? i Think it is much more relavent compared to your, you know~
Conclusion~! Business Development is for people without work and have plenty of time to spend. School should reduce on other lesson and put more in Business Development, this will let student have more time on doing it in school rather than doing in at home.
Business Development is a module that test people patience and perserverence. Hang on there and will get through it. Financial phase 3 will be a tough one. smiles... =)
4:27 PM
Wednesday, July 05, 2006,
got peoPLe coMplaIned thAt i DId nEveR updaTe mY bLog... haHa~~~ wAh laO~ No tIme mA. gOt timE thEn bLog De ma. &^^%%#)(*(*^(*&^%%$#~~~
sUddEnly cAn't fInd mOtivAtion aND aIm in liFe... nOthiNG seEms to motIvTE and EntiCe mE. SuDdenly fELt so lost. vEry lOSt. i cAnNot sEE whAt i wilL bE doINg iN the futUre as comPared tO tHE pasT whEre I cAN. eVEryThinG seemS so bluR.
tiLl neXt tiME...........................................
8:42 AM